Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I finally broke down and went to Staples and bought a webcam (spent $39). I finally got it hooked up and tonight I got to "video chat" with Liz. This is the longest I have ever gone without seeing one of my kids. I know you all think I am crazy, but it was really hard to send her off to college. It took such an emotional toll to "let her go". I never thought it would be so hard. I know many of you don't understand, but when your times come, you will. It was so cool to be able to see her and Heather (her roommate and BFF). She's surving her first four days of classes and only has one class tomorrow at 11:45. She told me that tomorrow will be "laundry day" and "grocery day". What?? My daughter doing laundry? That will definately be a "photo opportunity". I will admit, I did all her laundry. Not because she didn't know how, but I couldn't stand her laundry pile. It drove me nuts! She also joined a sorority. She's a Phi Mu! I'm so glad that she is getting involved. I told her that she has to make the most out of the next four years. Study hard! She will also meet people that she will be friends with the rest of her life. So, that means she won't be coming home this weekend. They are all going over to Universal Studios. Plus, Saturday is the opening football game that she's going to. Steve and Greg also scored tickets so they are going to go up. I have a whole box of stuff for them to take up to her. I wish I were going -- maybe next time. I told her to hit dad up for a nice dinner. :)

These are "my girls". Before they left, they had a little photoshoot with their friend who is a photographer. He took some awesome shots. Aren't they the cutest college students??

I survived Back to School night at the elementary school. I couldn't wait to get out of there. Not because I didn't like his teacher, but the district decided to "cut back" and all schools are to be set at 76 degrees. It was miserably hot. Yesterday the AC went out and those poor kids were miserable. What I want to know is if those "district people" are sitting in their nice offices @ 76 degrees. I know that doesn't sound like much, but we live in FLORIDA!!! The state also mandated that they have PE every day now. So, not only are they hot from PE everyday, they have to come into a "warm" classroom. It was miserable. Also, the kids have uniforms so they have to wear heavy polos. I might "bend" and go out and try and get by with T-shirts until it cools down. It was ridiculous.
I went to our new Joann Fabrics yesterday-not once but twice. It's so nice. So, clean and so much selection. It will be so cool to have a choice other than Michaels. When I saw all their Fall stuff, it made me realize that it's almost the season for this. This is a Starbucks Pumpkin Latte. YUM. However, it's still 90 degree's so it may have to be the cold version.

Since I posted and talked about Liz, my next post will have pictures of the other kids first day of school. I got a new camera back in the Spring and believe it or not, I'm still trying to figure out the whole uploading them to my computer. My other camera was so easy. But, I will figure it out.

Have a wonderful Wednesday evening. Hope everyone had a wonderful day. I'm off to organize my scrapbook room and work on a few layouts. I bought a lot of new stuff at Joann's yesterday that I can't wait to play with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim,

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday --- had to come say hi on your blog today.

I LOVE the pumpkin lattes from Starbucks -- but my all time favorite is their Chai lattes (LOVE THEM).

Enjoy the day!